Why Marmots?

Loving The Big Lebowski at 46 feels less like a fixation and more like a quiet appreciation lately. I don’t gush about it as much as I used to, but I recently rewatched it and found that it still holds up. I still love the absurdity of it all, and I think it’s precisely that absurdity that makes it timeless.
There’s something about the way the Coen brothers, as writer-directors, craft their stories that feels inspiring—especially their ability to dance through life’s absurdities. I’ve often talked about my admiration for the ideology of 'dancing through life,' where the dance itself is the point. And there’s one specific scene in The Big Lebowski that perfectly captures this for me.
Dance through the absurdity of life, knowing that the dance is the entire point.
"Nice Marmot"
The scene: The Dude, our beloved main character, is the victim of a home invasion by nihilists. In the midst of this chaotic attack, one of them brandishes a marmot. Yes, a marmot. Don’t ask why—just watch the movie.
But here’s the kicker: in the middle of this absurdly traumatic moment, The Dude’s response is a semi-earnest yet grimmaced, “Nice marmot.”
I laughed hysterically the first time I watched this scene. I still laugh hysterically every time I see it. It’s that perfectly unrefined quip in the face of chaos—a moment that’s as deeply absurd as it is inspiring.
Now, would a response like that be reasonable in real life? Probably not. But it’s the idea that one can walk through the world with such unrefined grace that speaks to me.
Not a Role Model, But Still Inspiring
Let me be clear: I don’t think The Dude is a role model. Not by any stretch of the imagination. And while we’re at it, neither is Ferris Bueller, no matter how much I idolized him as a teen. (But that’s a topic for another post.)
What I admire isn’t The Dude’s lifestyle—it’s the philosophy behind his outlook. Life throws absurdities at us all the time, and sometimes, the best way to face them is with a smirk and a one-liner. That’s the kind of mindset that resonates with me.
Hear Me Out
When I think about the ideas I want to share on this platform, many of them will probably begin with the sentiment, “Hear me out.” I’m not claiming to be the beacon of original thought, but I like to think I’m pretty good at rewrapping and repackaging ideas into unique perspectives. Perspectives that, even for me, feel refreshing.
So with my head held high and my leashed metaphorical marmot by my side, I look forward to you looking forward to my writings.